The School of ORIE is spearheading major efforts that have enabled Cornell to remain open this semester.
A modeling effort led by Peter Frazier, supported by Shane Henderson and David Shmoys, and consisting of five Ph.D. students and one undergraduate, has been instrumental in ensuring that Cornell could reopen by investigating the likely impact of reopening in concert with asymptomatic surveillance testing.
As a mark of the importance of this work, Peter Frazier meets daily with President Martha Pollack and Provost Mike Kotlikoff, along with other key decision makers on campus. Separately, David Shmoys has led a major scheduling effort working with Oktay Gunluk, Brenda Dietrich, and David Williamson, Ph.D. students and undergraduates to reschedule Cornell’s Ithaca campus classes. This rescheduling makes the low-density campus possible.
To read more about the team's work, please visit