Operations Research is distinguished by its interdisciplinary makeup; it is a subject that integrates concepts from across many academic disciplines. ORIE at Cornell engages faculty from across the university representing the fields of computer and information science, mathematics, statistics, probability, business, finance, and engineering. Over 40 prominent faculty members are engaged in the field.
* OR faculty serve as editors of professional journals such as:
* Operations Research
* Mathematics of Operations Research
* Journal of Applied Probability
* IIE Transactions
* Mathematical Programming
* Stochastic Processes and their Applications
* Mathematical Finance
* Annals of Probability
* SIAM Journal on Optimization
* ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation
* ACM Transactions on Algorithms
Faculty members also serve on the governing boards of professional organizations and have been instrumental in founding new societies, such as the Society for Foundation of Computational Mathematics (FOCM).
Faculty Openings