Zuochen Wang

Zuochen Wang

Operations Research and Information Engineering
Financial Engineering


MEng Concentration: Financial Engineering
Anticipated Graduation Date: December 2014
Areas of Interest: Trading, Structuring, Risk Management

Zuochen (Eddie) Wang received his Bachelor of Science degree in mathematics and applied mathematics, along with a minor in finance, from Zhejiang University with Chu Kochen Honors Certificate.

Prior to joining the FE program at Cornell, Eddie interned at Fortune Futures and Bank of China, where he further identified his interest in finance. At Fortune Futures, a national futures brokerage firm in China, he leveraged his quantitative and programing skills to provide assistance in improving the strategies evaluation system.

Eddie is also an experienced mathematical modeler. Since his first modeling adventure in his freshman year at Zhejiang University, he developed a strong passion in modeling and took part in four modeling contests during his college life. His team was a finalist winner (top 27/3697 worldwide) in the Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM) 2012.

 Eddie is currently a CFA Level II and has passed both FRM exams. Upon the completion of the FE program, he plans to pursue a career in quantitative research, algorithmic trading strategies, and risk management.