Yining Xu
MEng Concentration: Applied OR
Anticipated Graduation Date: December 2014
Areas of Interest: Consulting, Finance, Strategy and Operations
Yining Xu joined the Master of Engineering program at Cornell University with a concentration in Applied Operations Research in the Fall of 2013. Prior to the master program, Yining graduated from Grinnell College with double major in mathematics and economics in May 2013.
Throughout her undergraduate studies, Yining has enhanced both quantitatively and qualitatively analytical skills. Meanwhile, with a solid liberal arts education background, Yining has extended her interests towards many fields, such as international relations and music, in addition to her major disciplines. Over the past few years, Yining has conducted several internships in world-class financial institutes, as well as the European Parliament, where she worked as a policy research assistant to her member of the EP.
Yining joined ORIE Master of Engineering program at Cornell to further enrich her knowledge in quantitative analysis and business strategies. She hopes to incorporate her analytical and communication skills to pursue a career in consulting or financial services industries.
Yining Xu’s LinkedIn Page: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/yining-xu/31/799/41b.