Transcript - Financial Engineering Projects

An FE Project consists of a sponsor, an academic advisor, and a team of students. The sponsor suggests a real world problem. They provide a huge data set. And with the help of the advisor, the students come up with a solution that they present to the sponsor at the end of the semester.

Our team is analyzing a measure called sign order imbalance and a measure called sign trade imbalance. The team wants to see if these two measure together can act as a predictor for the short term equity price movement.

I would say the biggest takeaway I get from working with HETCO and with some of the traders there, in particular, is I can really understand the way that they analyze markets and the way that they decide the way to get into trading positions and out of trading positions.

The kind of connection you develop with project sponsor during the project can last for a very long time. And you're basically one leg into Wall Street already.

These projects have a huge impact on the student's professional growth. And they prepare them for the workplace.