ORIE Junior Richard Dansoh Serves on Winning Team and Celebrates Cornell's Diversity Award

ORIE's Richard Dansoh's team won an Engineers of Tomorrow Competition. Later he went to Washington DC to celebrate a Presidential Award.

"It was like 'Jeopardy for Engineers,'" said ORIE junior Richard Dansoh about the Engineers of Tomorrow Competition.  With teammates Denzel Bridges, Brandon Gainer, Roland Krieger and Thomas Spencer, Richard took first place in the competition, held at the Fall Regional Conference of the National Society of Black Engineers, held in Danvers MA in November.  Questions in the competition related to electrical engineering, statistics and computer science, and covered topics such as computational complexity and DeMorgan's Law.

On December 12, Richard joined a group of Cornell students, alumni and administrators in Washington DC.  They were there to celebrate the award to Cornell's Diversity Programs in Engineering of the 2011 Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics and Engineering Mentoring

The President's Science and Technology Advisor John Holdren and National Science Foundation Director Subra Suresh presented the award to Diversity Programs Director Sara Xayarath Herndandez at an award ceremony at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building.  Prior to the award ceremony "we all convened at a nice hotel in DC where students, administrators and alumni could network and reflect on the award in a small banquet setting," said Dansoh.  Engineering Dean Lance Collins hosted the celebration at the Washington Marriott Wardman Park hotel. 

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