Hongyuan Yang
MEng Concentration: Financial Engineering
Anticipated Graduation Date: December 2016
Areas of Interest: Sales & Trading, Asset Management, Quantitative Trading
Hongyuan Yang obtained his Bachelor of Science degree in applied mathematics with a concentration in finance from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
During his summer internship in the investment division at the Guardian, Hongyuan implemented a program to collect reference data and bulk data of CMBS automatically and restored all the data into a spreadsheet. He reported the data sheet to other fixed income traders and helped them to make better decisions. From this internship, Hongyuan realized that his skill sets could make a difference and he is eager to apply his knowledge to finance.
During his second semester of graduate school, Hongyuan managed a team in developing a trading strategy inspired by the Morningstar Box that gained insights into the financial markets. The team applied optimization and time series models to the strategy and gained an overall return of 201% from 2006 to 2015.
In the summer break between his freshman year and sophomore year, Hongyuan initiated a non-profit summer camp with three friends to teach thirty local high school students English and fundamental calculus. This one-month summer camp allowed Hongyuan to strengthen his leadership and decision making skills. In all, he successfully planned the entire camp including utility, facility maintenance, and human resources.