D: Data Analytics Electives

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesSpringFallLast Offered
CS 5320: Introduction to Database Systems3CS 2110 or CS 2800.2024 Fall
New!CS 5670: Introduction to Computer Vision32025 Spring
CS 5700: Foundations of Artificial Intelligence32024 Fall
CS 5740: Natural Language Processing42024 Spring
ECE 5250: Digital Signal Processing and Statistical Inference4MATH 1920 and MATH 2940, ECE 3100 or
equivalent course that satisfies ECE probability
requirements, ECE 2720 and ECE 3250 or equivalent
2024 Fall
INFO 5100: Visual Data Analytics for the Web32024 Fall
INFO 5556: Business Intelligence Systems42024 Fall
NBA 6200: Marketing Research32024 Spring
NBA 6390: Data Driven Marketing1.52024 Fall
ORIE 5160: Topics in Data Science and OR32024 Spring
ORIE 5270: Big Data Technologies22024 Spring
ORIE 5570: Reinforcement Learning with Operations Research Applications32024 Fall
ORIE 5580: Simulation Modeling and Analysis4ORIE 3500 or equivalent, CS 2110/ENGRD 2110.
For students with insufficient background in probability, ORIE
3500 must be taken in parallel.
2024 Fall
ORIE 5581: Monte Carlo Simulation2Prerequisite: ORIE 3500 or equivalent, CS 2110/ENGRD 2110.
For students with insufficient background in probability, ORIE
3500 must be taken in parallel.
2024 Fall
ORIE 5582: Monte Carlo Methods in Financial Engineering22025 Spring
STSCI 5045: Python Programming and its Applications in Statistics4STSCI 5060 (or basic SQL programming skill),
and one intro statistics course.
2024 Fall
STSCI 5065: Big Data Management and Analysis32024 Spring
STSCI 5100: Statistical Sampling4STSCI 2150 or STSCI 2200/BTRY 3010 or
equivalent, STSCI 3200/BTRY 3020 or BTRY 6020.
2024 Fall
STSCI 5160: Categorical Data3BTRY 3020, BTRY 6020, or equivalent with BTRY 3080 or MATH 4710 also highly recommended.2024 Fall
STSCI 5520: Statistical Computing42024 Spring