News: ORIE

Verizon Wireless, Cornell team up to study cellphone logistics

Cellphones are dense with technology and nearly ubiquitous in the United States and other countries: nearly 90% of US households have at least one of them. Unfortunately for customer and vendor alike, handset models fail and get returned and replaced. For a company like Verizon Wireless, returns of cellphones due to manufacturing defects, accidents or other reasons have extensive implications for the supply chain as well as for the level of customer satisfaction. 'Reverse logistics,' a phrase that covers the process by which a returned phone is either scrapped, or repaired and resold or... Read more

ORIE graduates choose to teach...for America

While next fall many of their classmates will be working in manufacturing, consulting or finance, two recent ORIE graduates will be teaching in high schools. Both attended the same high school in Hawai'i before coming to Cornell. Megan Akamine Megan Akamine '10 has been selected for the Teach for America Corps. After training at a Teach for America summer institute in Georgia, she will teach math at a school in her home state of Hawai'i. Megan's mother is a public school teacher on Oahu, where Megan attended Punahou, the elite alma mater of President Barack Obama. At Cornell, Megan plays club... Read more

M.Eng. students design shotgun

In 2001 M.Eng. students designed a shotgun for Ithaca Gun Company, which ceased production before the gun could be manufactured. Now a successor company has put the gun into production. Read more