ORIE’s Henderson to receive Cornell Tech Faculty Teaching Award

Shane Henderson, the Charles W. Lake, Jr. Professor in Productivity in Cornell’s School of Operations Research and Information Engineering, will receive the Cornell Tech Faculty Teaching Award for the 2020-21 academic year.

Voted on by the students, the award is presented annually at the Cornell Tech Recognition Ceremony, which will be held Wednesday, May 26 this year.

Professor Henderson’s overall professional goal is to contribute to both research and learning in the theory and application of stochastic simulation and applied probability, with emphasis on the interface between these areas and optimization. He is greatly interested in and motivated by applications with strong societal relevance, including bike sharing, medical scheduling, and ambulance planning.

Professor Henderson teaches courses in probability and statistics, simulation, and mathematical modeling. He is a great believer in case-based learning and uses a problem-driven classroom approach in his mathematical-modeling courses. He strives for both mathematical rigor and practical relevance in the classroom. This year he taught the course “Optimization Methods” in the fall and “e-Logistics” in the spring, and his experiences in ambulance modeling, ride hailing, bike sharing, and medical scheduling were invaluable in developing the content of the courses and bringing them to life.


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